Krebs Farm OT Clairebelle 2*M 2*D AR kidded this afternoon with triplet doelings sired by CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B. They're rather new to accurately evaluate yet, but I'm thinking that they will all be just as gorgeous as their full sisters and brothers who were born last year--long, level, wide, with high, open escutcheons. Belle's kids are always conformationally beautiful. These three doelings will be retained for now.
Belle is one of our favorite milking does. She has soft texture; a beautiful, well-attached udder that milks out well; large, easy-to-milk teats; and great orifice size. She is going on her second 305-Day DHIR Milk Test this year. Last year she produced 5.0 lbs. of milk on her 1-Day Test, so we are excited to see how much she'll produce on her second 305. She milks through extremely well.
As mentioned in a previous post, our buck Sinai Thunder Asher's Judah +*B+*S earned his Plus title based on his daughters' production performance during 305-Day and 1-Day Milk Tests that we conducted in 2018-19. The nice thing about Stars and Pluses is that they can work far back in a goat's lineage . . . . We just received word from Sinai Thunder Farm, letting us know that Judah's sire, Sinai Thunder AG Asher ++*B++*S, earned his Two-Plus title this year, becoming Sinai Thunder's first homebred ++B++S. It takes two of his sons earning Pluses for a buck to earn a Two-Plus title, and in Asher's case, Judah is one of those sons. Krebs Dairy Goats is honored to have helped Asher earn ++B++S.
Sunshine did it again--sneaked in kidding before anyone even knew she was in labor. She had 1 doeling (score!) and 3 bucklings that all look just like their father, CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B. The doeling is Krebs QQ Eve Quinn (pending). She will be retained. She sure is a plump little thing, and I am already pleased with her conformation. The bucklings are also promising and will be evaluated over the next few days. The following photos are of Krebs QQ Eve Quinn at about 16 hours old. Learning to pose for the camera . . . Who could resist this cuteness? Photo shoots are hard work . . .
Yes, I know it's still almost two months before the calendar says "First Day of Spring," but I just can't help feeling like it's already here when there are so many new babies. The sheep began lambing yesterday, chicks are hatching like popcorn, and the goats start kidding this week. Thankfully, it's been fairly warm, great for lambing and kidding season. There is even a hint of green across the pastures. We might have an early spring (which is exactly what I said last January, right before Montana was hit with such horrible weather that some likened it to the winter of 1886-87, immortalized in Charlie M. Russell's painting Waiting for a Chinook: Last of the 5000).
Four does are due in the next couple of weeks. Krebs Farm LVT Sunshine 3*M 3*D was due on the 19th, but she's holding out on us. Her udder began obviously filling yesterday, though, so she should kid within the next few of days. She is bred to CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B, a repeat of the breeding that produced triplet bucklings last year, including our gorgeous buck Krebs QQ Daye Quinn *B. Hoping for doelings this time. The second doe due is Krebs Farm OT Steelic Mist 2*M 2*D AR. Misty is bred to Krebs SR DeClaire *B*S. This is a linebreeding on one of our all-time favorite crosses, Hickory Leaf Claire 1*M 1*D AR x MT Rivendells OLV Oliver Twist. Excited to see how these kids turn out. I won't take color over quality, but maybe, just maybe, a nice moonspotted sundgau-chamoisee, please? Misty was due on the 21st. The third doe is Krebs Farm OT Clairebelle 2*M 2*D AR. Belle is bred to CH Old Mountain Farm QuentinQuinn *B. This is a repeat of the breeding we did with her last year that produced a litter of quadruplets, every one of which we have retained for now (Krebs QQ Avalon Quinn, Krebs QQ Ruth Quinn, Krebs QQ Marcus Quinn *B, and one buck pending registration). They are some of our favorite kids from 2019--talk about nice rumps, especially on those doelings. Belle is due on January 26. MT Rivendells HW Dove 1*M 1*D is due on January 28. She is bred to Krebs SR DeClaire *B*S. Dove had a beautiful first-freshening udder. DeClaire should be a complementary cross for her, as his dam (Belle) has an excellent udder (it's developed quite a bit since the photos on her page--we plan to update with recent photos this year) and is one of the easiest milkers in the herd with her plump teats and large orifices--she loves being milked, too. DeClaire's sire's dam appraised at EEEE91. Updates will be forthcoming as the kids are born! Krebs Dairy Goats is pleased to announce that 18 of our does earned their Stars through A.D.G.A. & A.G.S. 1-Day Milk Tests in 2019. The does are as follows:
~ Krebs Farm OT Clairebelle 2*M 2*D AR3150 ST19031 ~ Krebs Farm OT Lacy 2*M 2*D ST19035 ~ Krebs KJ Illusion 2*M 2*D ST19020 ~ Sapphire Moon Farm Lady 1*M *D AR3027 ST19032 ~ Krebs Farm STJ Swallow 1*M *D ST19024 ~ Krebs Farm LVT Queshneea 3*M 3*D ST19026 ~ Krebs Farm LVT Sunshine 3*M 3*D ST19027 ~ Krebs Farm STJ Edelweiss 2*M 2*D ST19028 ~ MT Rivendells HW Panda 1*M *D ST19039 ~ MT Rivendells HW Dove 1*M *D ST19040 ~ MT Rivendells HW Meadowlark *D ST19037 ~ MT Rivendells SSR Grace 1*M *D ST19022 ~ Krebs SR Clairify 3*M 3*D ST19025 ~ Krebs SR Claira 3*M 3*D ST19036 ~ Krebs SR Pearl 3*M 3*D ST19030 ~ Krebs SR Pecan 3*M 3*D ST19033 ~ Krebs SR Periwinkle 3*M 3*D ST19038 ~ Krebs SR Chantilly 3*D ST19023 4 Bucks Earned Plus Status ~ In addition, our buck Sinai Thunder Asher's Judah +*B+*S earned his Plus title based on his daughters' production. Several other bucks also earned their Plus title through the production of their daughters that reside in our herd. Those bucks are Sycamore SS Rambo +*B+*S (owned by Rivendell Farm), GCH Lost Valley JL Tradition +*B*S, and Egidio Heart Wrangler +B (Wrangler and Tradition are expected to receive +S as well). Thanks, Jen (our milk test supervisor), for your patience and good humor through it all! Looking forward to another great year of milk testing! |
About Krebs Dairy Goats is located in Western Montana's Bitterroot Valley, where we (the Krebs family) breed ADGA/AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. We are ADGA Plus members and participate in official DHIR 305-Day and 1-Day Milk Testing. Our priority is to breed Nigerians that are practical, high-production milkers with excellent conformational and dairy traits that exemplify the true miniature dairy goat. Categories
December 2024