Music, Nyala, and Bunny Tracks think that they can still fit in the feed pans . . .
As mentioned in previously, Krebs SR Clairify 3*M 3*D kidded on Feb. 17 with triplets, 2 does and 1 buck. Their sire is MT Rivendells Mr. Darcy. Clairify is one of our favorite does from the 2018 season, so we are very excited about these kids. See photos of the kids below. The belted chamoisee doeling will be retained for now, the dark cou clair doeling is sold, and the silver cou clair buckling is sold. Clairify's Belted Chamoisee Doeling, Retained: Clairify's Dark Cou Clair Doeling, Sold (Yes, she looks black in the photo, but she's really an unusually dark cou clair): Clairify's Silver Cou Clair Buckling, Sold:
Yesterday was our first test of our 2020 305-Day Milk Test. As hoped, Krebs Farm OT Clairebelle 2*M 2*D AR did great, producing 4.7 lbs. of milk. Krebs SR Clairify 3*M 3*D (who has kidded--more on that in my next post) also did very well, especially for having only freshened on February 17, producing 3.5 lbs.
Beginning a Milk Test each year can sometimes feel so overwhelming--milking, planning, cleaning, scheduling, paperwork--but it's worth it. Even though it is quite a commitment, nothing is better than a 305-Day Milk Test to show what a doe is truly made of in the milking department. Ten months of milking every morning and night gives you a highly accurate evaluation! After making me get up to check her at night for two weeks after her supposed due date (I must have got her service date wrong), Krebs Farm OT Steelic Mist 2*M 2*D AR kidded with a nice doe kid sired by Krebs SR DeClaire *B*S. Not only is this doeling our first DeClaire kid, she is also the result of a line breeding on one of our all-time favorite crosses, Hickory Leaf Claire 1*M 1*D AR x MT Rivendells OLV Oliver Twist. She looks a lot like her dad did when he was little--she's long and level with nice dairy structure under all the fuzz. She is also covered in taupe moonspots. She will be retained for now. With the quality udders and milkability in this line, I have high hopes for her. Anyone have ideas for names? I'm at a loss.
MT Rivendells HW Dove 1*M 1*D also kidded with a buck kid sired by DeClaire. This kid is spoken for. He is chamoise with blue eyes. The next doe to kid will be Krebs SR Clairify 3*M 3*D, due on February 12. She is bred to MT Rivendells Mr. Darcy. Clairify sure looks like she is going to have three or more kids. She is scheduled to go on 305-Day Milk Test this year. |
About Krebs Dairy Goats is located in Western Montana's Bitterroot Valley, where we (the Krebs family) breed ADGA/AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. We are ADGA Plus members and participate in official DHIR 305-Day and 1-Day Milk Testing. Our priority is to breed Nigerians that are practical, high-production milkers with excellent conformational and dairy traits that exemplify the true miniature dairy goat. Categories
December 2024