Give your loved one the unique gift of a miniature goat this Christmas. Krebs Dairy Goats offers gift certificates for Nigerian Dwarf goats so that the recipient will be able to pick out their own special goat when they are ready for it. We also have gift certificates for birthdays and other occasions.
Goat Availability: ~ Bottle-baby wether kids (neutered males) for pets will be born January through May, 2022. $ 100 each. Reserve with a $ 50 deposit per goat (balance of $ 50 due upon pick up). ~ Baby doeling and buckling kids for future milkers, breeding stock, and/or showing will be born January through May, 2022. These come with their purebred registration pedigrees from the American Dairy Goat Association and the American Goat Society. They will be available to take home as bottle-babies or after they are old enough to wean. Starting at $ 450 each. Reserve with a $ 100 deposit per goat (balance due upon pick up). ~ Adult does for milking, breeding, and/or showing will be available January through May, 2022. These come with their pedigrees from the American Dairy Goat Association and the American Goat Society. Starting at $ 450 each. Reserve with a $ 100 deposit per goat (balance due upon pick up). ~ Note that our top-breeding-stock-quality goats go for $ 600-$ 850 each. Gift Considerations: ~ If your loved one has not owned goats or livestock before, we recommend gifting them the book Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats along with the gift certificate to help them learn about goat care. We are also here to help along the way and offer recommendations for the best goat-raising products that are available in our area. ~ Remember that goats are herd animals and need a buddy of the same species for their developmental and emotional wellbeing. Therefore, we only sell a minimum of 2 goats at a time unless they are going to a home that already has goats. Gift Ideas: ~ You may pay the full price for a goat at the time we issue the gift certificate, or, if you prefer, you may place a partial deposit to reserve a goat and make the final payment when the recipient of the gift certificate picks up their goat. We will have lots of goats available and plenty that fit your budget. Touch bases and let us know what you are looking for. ~ We accept checks, money orders, and PayPal (or cash if you can drop it off at the farm). ~ If you do not intend to breed and milk the goats but just want some for pets, wethers (neutered males) are the most practical option as they are less expensive than does but just as tame and sweet. (Note that you do not want unneutered males as pets.) ~ If you want to gift a milk goat to a first-time goat owner but don't want to spend the money on getting 2 does, a great way to start is with 1 doe kid and 1 wether kid for her companion. Many new goat owners like to start with kids anyway so that they can get accustomed to raising goats before they need to start a milking routine. A nicely sized Nigerian doe kid can be bred at 8-10 months old and start producing milk at 13-15 months old. About Nigerian Dwarf Goats: With adults standing generally no more than 23.5 inches at the shoulder, Nigerian Dwarfs are the smallest of all the dairy goat breeds. Their small size makes them adorable pets and practical homestead dairy animals since they are easy to care for, handle, and accommodate. Nigerian Dwarfs have the highest milk butterfat content of any other breed of dairy goats or cattle. Their milk is sweet and creamy, free of the unappealing "goaty" flavor people often associate with goat's milk. The high butterfat content also makes it ideal for making cheese or butter. A good Nigerian doe can produce around a half gallon of milk a day. Nigerian Dwarfs are friendly, cute, and intelligent. They can be trained like a dog (even house trained). They come in a huge selection of colors and patterns and are the only registry-recognized dairy breed in which some individuals have blue eyes. They are also excellent weed eaters and can eliminate weeds like knapweed or tansy from a pasture. Why buy from Krebs Dairy Goats? Whether you're buying pets or breeding stock, we will help walk you through the process of raising a healthy goat. We also offer recommendations for the best local goat feed, products, and veterinarians. At Krebs Dairy Goats, our #1 priority is to breed Nigerian Dwarf goats that are practical for the small homestead. We participate in official USDA DHIR milk testing to verify the quantity and quality of milk our does produce so that we can make educated decisions about how to perpetuate the best milking genetics in our herd. Therefore, if you're looking into purchasing milkers or breeding stock, you're getting goats out of lines that are proven to put milk in the pail. We also breed for traits related to ease of hand milking, such as large teat size (large teats are vital in Nigerians, as many lines have small teats that are extremely difficult to hand milk). Along with top milk production, we select our goats for excellent dairy conformation and strive for the Nigerian that is the true miniature dairy goat. Our goats come out of some of the best showing and linear appraising lines in the country. Our herd is tested free of the goat diseases CAE, CL, and Johne's, and our farm practices strict biosecurity to prevent disease introduction. Sales Info, Terms & Conditions: ~ Please read Krebs Dairy Goats general sales information and terms & conditions Here. ~ Gift-Certificate Specific: When you place a deposit for a goat, you will receive a receipt for your payment along with the gift certificate. The receipt, not the gift certificate, will reflect the credit available from Krebs Dairy Goats unless a specific dollar amount is listed on the gift certificate (this is because some individuals place a half-down deposit with the intent of paying the final amount when the goat is picked up, but the gift certificate they give to their loved one may simply state that it is a gift of 1 goat). ~ Note that deposits are good for 18 months from the date they are placed. Deposits are nonrefundable unless Krebs Dairy Goats is unable to provide the goats reserved. Please Contact us if you have any questions, or peruse our website to learn more about our goats. Comments are closed.
About Krebs Dairy Goats is located in Western Montana's Bitterroot Valley, where we (the Krebs family) breed ADGA/AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. We are ADGA Plus members and participate in official DHIR 305-Day and 1-Day Milk Testing. Our priority is to breed Nigerians that are practical, high-production milkers with excellent conformational and dairy traits that exemplify the true miniature dairy goat. Categories
December 2024